Seafile is a synchronization and file sharing solution, designed to provide high reliability, performance and productivity. With Seafile you can sync, share and collaborate between teams using different devices. The core of the Seafile server is written in C programming language, is small and has excellent performance. The web interface is developed in Python/Django and allows to manage (add, share, delete) your files in the cloud, it is also possible to install a client/drive which makes it easy to handle your files from the comfort of your device.
At time of writing this, the last available version is: 9.0.10, check the download section for the last available version.
$ wget
Create seafile DIR under /opt DIR
$ sudo mkdir /opt/seafile
Move the downloaded file to /opt/seafile
$ sudo mv seafile-server_* /opt/seafile
Move to /opt/seafile
$ cd /opt/seafile
$ sudo tar -xzf seafile-server_*
Create installed DIR
$ sudo mkdir installed
Move the tar.gz to installed DIR
$ sudo mv seafile-server_* installed/
Create the databases
Seafile use MySQL or MariaDB as database backend check this guides to install one of them in your server:
- How to install MySQL 8.0 in Debian
- How to install MySQL 8.0 in Ubuntu 20.04
- How to install MySQL 5.7 on CentOS 7
- How to install MariaDB on Alpine Linux
- How to install MariaDB on NetBSD?
- MySQL server administration – Basic
- Administering MySQL From The Command Line
CREATE DATABASE `seafile_db` CHARACTER SET = 'utf8';
Create seafile database user
Check MySQL user administration for more information on this topic.
CREATE USER 'seafile'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'contraseña';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `ccnet_db`.* to `seafile`@localhost;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `seafile_db`.* to `seafile`@localhost;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `seahub_db`.* to `seafile`@localhost;
Change authentication method for seafile user
If you are having problems connecting to the DB it is likely that you have to change the MySQL authentication method, you can have more details at MySQL 8.0, change root password
ALTER USER seafile@localhost IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'contraseña';
Install Python tools
$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-setuptools python3-pip libmysqlclient-dev -y
$ sudo pip3 install --timeout=3600 Pillow pylibmc captcha jinja2 sqlalchemy \
django-pylibmc django-simple-captcha python3-ldap mysqlclient
Environment variables
Put this configuration on /etc/environment
and do:
$ source /etc/environment
In case you get an error like this:
/bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)
check the solution on stackoverflow
Seafile developers provide us with a utility that allows us to perform the installation process in a simple and comfortable way.
$ sudo ./
Checking python on this machine ...
This script will guide you to setup your seafile server using MySQL.
Make sure you have read seafile server manual at
Press ENTER to continue
What is the name of the server? It will be displayed on the client.
3 - 15 letters or digits
[ server name ] seafile
What is the ip or domain of the server?
For example:,
[ This server's ip or domain ] seafile.mydomain.local
Which port do you want to use for the seafile fileserver?
[ default "8082" ]
Please choose a way to initialize seafile databases:
[1] Create new ccnet/seafile/seahub databases
[2] Use existing ccnet/seafile/seahub databases
[ 1 or 2 ] 2
What is the host of mysql server?
[ default "localhost" ]
What is the port of mysql server?
[ default "3306" ]
Which mysql user to use for seafile?
[ mysql user for seafile ] seafile
What is the password for mysql user "seafile"?
[ password for seafile ]
verifying password of user seafile ... done
Enter the existing database name for ccnet:
[ ccnet database ] ccnet_db
verifying user "seafile" access to database ccnet_db ... done
Enter the existing database name for seafile:
[ seafile database ] seafile_db
verifying user "seafile" access to database seafile_db ... done
Enter the existing database name for seahub:
[ seahub database ] seahub_db
verifying user "seafile" access to database seahub_db ... done
This is your configuration
server name: seafile
server ip/domain: seafile.mydomain.local
seafile data dir: /opt/seafile/seafile-data
fileserver port: 8082
database: use existing
ccnet database: ccnet_db
seafile database: seafile_db
seahub database: seahub_db
database user: seafile
Press ENTER to continue, or Ctrl-C to abort
Generating ccnet configuration ...
Generating seafile configuration ...
Generating seahub configuration ...
Now creating ccnet database tables ...
Now creating seafile database tables ...
Now creating seahub database tables ...
creating seafile-server-latest symbolic link ... done
Your seafile server configuration has been finished successfully.
run seafile server: ./ { start | stop | restart }
run seahub server: ./ { start <port> | stop | restart <port> }
If you are behind a firewall, remember to allow input/output of these tcp ports:
port of seafile fileserver: 8082
port of seahub: 8000
When problems occur, Refer to
for information.
Directory structure
Once the Seafile is installed we must have a directory structure like the one shown below:
$ sudo tree -dL 3 /opt/seafile/
├── ccnet
├── conf
├── seafile-data
│ └── library-template
├── seafile-server-9.0.10
│ ├── runtime
│ ├── seafile
│ │ ├── bin
│ │ ├── docs
│ │ ├── include
│ │ └── lib
│ ├── seahub
│ │ ├── bin
│ │ ├── fabfile
│ │ ├── frontend
│ │ ├── locale
│ │ ├── media
│ │ ├── scripts
│ │ ├── seahub
│ │ ├── sql
│ │ ├── static
│ │ ├── tests
│ │ ├── thirdpart
│ │ └── tools
│ ├── sql
│ │ ├── mysql
│ │ └── sqlite
│ └── upgrade
│ └── sql
├── seafile-server-latest -> seafile-server-9.0.10
└── seahub-data
└── avatars
└── groups
You can find the configuration under
$ sudo tree /opt/seafile/conf
├── ccnet.conf
├── __pycache__
│ ├── gunicorn.conf.cpython-39.pyc
│ └── seahub_settings.cpython-39.pyc
├── seafdav.conf
├── seafile.conf
Start the services
Start the file server
$ sudo ./ start
Starting seafile server, please wait ...
** Message: 22:08:49.496: seafile-controller.c(621): No seafevents.
Seafile server started
Start the frontend/web admin
Pay special attention to the mail and password you are requested because they are the credentials of the administrator user and with which you will authenticate in the web interface.
sudo ./ start
Starting seahub at port 8000 ...
It's the first time you start the seafile server. Now let's create the admin account
What is the email for the admin account?
[ admin email ]
What is the password for the admin account?
[ admin password ]
Enter the password again:
[ admin password again ]
Successfully created seafile admin
Seahub is started
If you have any issue starting seahub sevice execute to find out it:
$ sudo ./ start-fastcgi
Starting seahub (fastcgi) at ...
Traceback (most recent call last)
Reset user admin
$ sudo ./
Map the web admin to non default IP and Port
By default the web interface is only accessible via you can change this behavior by editing the /opt/seafile/conf/ file and modifying the bind directive.
# default
bind = "IP:Puerto"
Restart the seahub service
$ sudo ./ restart
You can now access the Seafile by putting in your browser http://IP:Puerto.
Note that exposing that exposing the Gunicorn service impply some security risk so it is a good practice to put it behind a reverse proxy like nginx.
Install Memcache
If you have more than 50 users install Memcached which will increase the performance of the web interface.
$ sudo apt-get install memcached libmemcached-dev -y && \
sudo pip3 install --timeout=3600 pylibmc django-pylibmc
Start Memcache with the OS
$ sudo systemctl enable --now memcached
Using Memcache
Add the following lines to
'default': {
'BACKEND': 'django_pylibmc.memcached.PyLibMCCache',
Using systemd
Stopping the services
$ sudo ./ stop
$ sudo ./ stop
Create seafile user and group
$ sudo adduser --system --group --HOME /opt/seafile --shell /usr/sbin/nologin --no-create-home seafile
Adding system user `seafile' (UID 108) ...
Adding new group `seafile' (GID 114) ...
Adding new user `seafile' (UID 108) with group `seafile' ...
Not creating home directory `/opt/seafile'.
Change the owner for seafile data
$ sudo chown -Rc seafile:seafile /opt/seafile/{seafile,seahub}-data
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/seafile-data/httptemp/cluster-shared' from root:root to seafile:seafile
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/seafile-data/httptemp' from root:root to seafile:seafile
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/seafile-data/tmpfiles' from root:root to seafile:seafile
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/seahub-data/avatars/default.png' from root:root to seafile:seafile
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/seahub-data/avatars' from root:root to seafile:seafile
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/seahub-data' from root:root to seafile:seafile
Change the group owner of conf DIR
$ sudo chown :seafile -Rc /opt/seafile/conf/
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/conf/seafile.conf' from root:root to :seafile
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/conf/' from root:root to :seafile
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/conf/seafdav.conf' from root:root to :seafile
We allow the group to access the configuration directory:
$ sudo chmod g=rx -c /opt/seafile/conf/
mode of '/opt/seafile/conf/' changed from 0700 (rwx------) to 0750 (rwxr-x---)
We give write permission to the cache dir:
$ sudo chmod g=rwx -c /opt/seafile/conf/__pycache__
mode of '/opt/seafile/conf/__pycache__' changed from 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) to 0775 (rwxrwxr-x)
Change the owner of DIR logs
$ sudo chown seafile:seafile -Rc /opt/seafile/logs/
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/logs/onlyoffice.log' from root:root to seafile:seafile
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/logs/controller.log' from root:root to seafile:seafile
Change the owner of DIR pids
$ sudo chown seafile:seafile -Rc /opt/seafile/pids
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/pids/' from root:root to seafile:seafile
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/pids/' from root:root to seafile:seafile
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/pids' from root:root to seafile:seafile
Change permissions
With the following command we allow the seahub to access its configuration file.
$ sudo chmod g+r -c /opt/seafile/conf/
mode of '/opt/seafile/conf/' changed from 0700 (rwx------) to 0740 (rwxr-----)
Allow the RPC server to access socket files
The RPC server uses sockets file components communication, the following error tells us that we should change the permissions settings.
socket file exists, delete it anyway
delete socket file failed : Permission denied
Now we change the owner:
$ sudo chown seafile:seafile -Rc /opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/runtime/
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/runtime/seahub.conf' from root:root to seafile:seafile
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/runtime/seafile.sock' from root:root to seafile:seafile
changed ownership of '/opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/runtime/' from root:root to seafile:seafile
Create system units
With the following command we create a seafile system unit
$ sudo systemctl edit --force --full seafile
and add
Description=Seafile Cloud Storage mysql.service
ExecStart=/opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/ start
ExecStop=/opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/ stop
Create a seahub system unit
$ sudo systemctl edit --force --full seahub
and add
Description=Seafile Web System Administration (Seahub) seafile.service
ExecStart=/opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/ start
ExecStop=/opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/ stop
seafile service
sudo systemctl start seafile
Check the status
$ sudo systemctl status seafile
● seafile.service - Seafile Cloud Storage
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/seafile.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-02-16 23:20:20 UTC; 20s ago
Process: 1605 ExecStart=/opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/ start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Tasks: 18 (limit: 1129)
Memory: 7.0M
CPU: 61ms
CGroup: /system.slice/seafile.service
├─1625 /opt/seafile/seafile-server-9.0.10/seafile/bin/seafile-controller -c /opt/seafile/ccnet -d /opt/seafile/seafile-data -F /opt/seafile/conf
└─1627 seaf-server -F /opt/seafile/conf -c /opt/seafile/ccnet -d /opt/seafile/seafile-data -l /opt/seafile/logs/seafile.log -P /opt/seafile/pids/ -p /opt/seafile/>
Feb 16 23:20:17 bullseye systemd[1]: Starting Seafile Cloud Storage...
Feb 16 23:20:17 bullseye[1605]: Starting seafile server, please wait ...
Feb 16 23:20:17 bullseye seafile-control[1623]: seafile-controller.c(621): No seafevents.
Feb 16 23:20:20 bullseye[1605]: Seafile server started
Feb 16 23:20:20 bullseye[1605]: Done.
Feb 16 23:20:20 bullseye systemd[1]: Started Seafile Cloud Storage.
Start with the OS
$ sudo systemctl enable seafile
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/seafile.service.
Seahub service
$ sudo systemctl start seahub
Check the status
$ sudo systemctl status seahub
● seahub.service - Seafile Web System Administration (Seahub)
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/seahub.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-02-16 23:24:42 UTC; 37s ago
Process: 1706 ExecStart=/opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/ start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1720 (python3)
Tasks: 6 (limit: 1129)
Memory: 63.9M
CPU: 581ms
CGroup: /system.slice/seahub.service
├─1720 python3 /opt/seafile/seafile-server-9.0.10/seahub/thirdpart/bin/gunicorn seahub.wsgi:application -c /opt/seafile/conf/ --preload
├─1721 python3 /opt/seafile/seafile-server-9.0.10/seahub/thirdpart/bin/gunicorn seahub.wsgi:application -c /opt/seafile/conf/ --preload
├─1722 python3 /opt/seafile/seafile-server-9.0.10/seahub/thirdpart/bin/gunicorn seahub.wsgi:application -c /opt/seafile/conf/ --preload
├─1723 python3 /opt/seafile/seafile-server-9.0.10/seahub/thirdpart/bin/gunicorn seahub.wsgi:application -c /opt/seafile/conf/ --preload
├─1724 python3 /opt/seafile/seafile-server-9.0.10/seahub/thirdpart/bin/gunicorn seahub.wsgi:application -c /opt/seafile/conf/ --preload
└─1725 python3 /opt/seafile/seafile-server-9.0.10/seahub/thirdpart/bin/gunicorn seahub.wsgi:application -c /opt/seafile/conf/ --preload
Feb 16 23:24:37 bullseye systemd[1]: Starting Seafile Web System Administration (Seahub)...
Feb 16 23:24:37 bullseye[1706]: LC_ALL is not set in ENV, set to en_US.UTF-8
Feb 16 23:24:37 bullseye[1706]: Starting seahub at port 8000 ...
Feb 16 23:24:42 bullseye[1706]: Seahub is started
Feb 16 23:24:42 bullseye[1706]: Done.
Feb 16 23:24:42 bullseye systemd[1]: Started Seafile Web System Administration (Seahub).
Start with the OS
$ sudo systemctl enable seahub
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/seahub.service.
Setup NGINX as reverse proxy
Related topics
- How to install NGINX on NetBSD?
- How to install and configure NGINX as reverse proxy
- How to install Let’s Encrypt SSL in Debian?
Create a virtual host and add the following settings, adjust server_name directives, proxy_pass according to your settings.
og_format seafileformat '$http_x_forwarded_for $remote_addr [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $upstream_response_time';
server {
listen 80;
server_name seafile.mydomain.local;
# Put here your SSL
# listen 443 ssl http2;
# include snippets/intefid-ssl.conf;
# Max file size useful for file uploading
client_max_body_size 200M;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
location / {
# NGINX acting as reverse proxy
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
# Set the backend url and port, port is optional for standard services, the
# $backend_port is defined as a map, see conf.d/mapper.conf also when there is
# a variable as a part of proxy_pass URL a resolver is needed,
# see conf.d/resolver.conf
access_log /var/log/nginx/seahub.access.log seafileformat;
error_log /var/log/nginx/seahub.error.log;
location /seafhttp {
rewrite ^/seafhttp(.*)$ $1 break;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_connect_timeout 36000s;
proxy_read_timeout 36000s;
proxy_send_timeout 36000s;
send_timeout 36000s;
access_log /var/log/nginx/seafhttp.access.log seafileformat;
error_log /var/log/nginx/seafhttp.error.log;
Now you can put in your browser: http://seafile.mydomain.local