
3 ways to install Node.js

Node.js is an event-driven and asynchronous Javascript runtime environment designed to build network applications and to run server-side Javascript applications allowing you to build applications using a single programming language.

npm is a package and dependency manager for Node.js

Today we will learn how to install Node.js and npm on Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and on any GNU/Linux distro.

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How to install MySQL 8.0 in Ubuntu 20.04


MySQL is a fast, efficient, secure, stable, easy-to-use, cross-platform (GNU / Linux, * BSD, Windows, …), multi-threaded, multi-user and well-documented relational database server. It is currently developed under the guidance of Oracle, however the community version is available under the GPL (a free software license).

MySQL 8.0 supports roles, which are named collections of privileges. Roles can be created and dropped also add the concept of user account categories and now maintains information about password history, enabling restrictions on reuse of previous passwords, for example a DB administrator can configure user accounts such that too many consecutive login failures due to incorrect passwords cause temporary account locking. Several improvements to the InnoDB engine and the JSON data type.

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How to compile PHP 7.1 in Ubuntu 16.04

PHPOn December 1, 2016 the PHP development community released version 7.1, which added 12 new features , we mention some of them below:

Nullable types: Type declarations for parameters and return values can now be marked as nullable by prefixing the type name with a question mark. This signifies that as well as the specified type, NULL can be passed as an argument, or returned as a value, respectively.
Void functions: The void type functions should not return any value so they should use an empty return or omit it completely, I think that if you omit the return it gives more clarity to the code since it is more consistent with the definition of void, the NULL value is not a valid return value for void functions.
Symmetric array destructuring : The shorthand array syntax ([]) may now be used to destructure arrays for assignments (including within foreach).

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How to uninstall snap in Ubuntu

Snap is an application management system that allows you to install, configure, update and remove snap packages. In other words snap is a technology that allows you to update your applications with the latest versions (avoiding version incompatibility problems in dependencies, because each package is a wrapper that includes the application and its dependencies) and this can be good but perhaps it is not to like having the snapd service running permanently on the other hand snap promotes non-free applications and if you are passionate about Free Software this can make you frown and lay hands on the keyboard and leave no trace of snap and this is what what we are going to do in this post.

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